Back to The Park Plaza Hotel for day 2. I was really looking forward to this day !
I was asked to do some additional coverage on the second day, this was a very short notice request so I hadn’t been aware of the full details.
I was asked to attend an exhibition in Leeds City Museum with the CEO of Big Lottery Fund to do some publicity shots. How could I refuse.
I asked a few questions about the exhibition and couldn’t believe my ears. I was going to photograph my exhibition !!! What a wonderful surprise.
I was introduced to Dawn Austwick, the CEO of Big Lottery Fund. A lovely lady with an incredible passion for her work.
I finished the conference shots and then went to the exhibition. Publicity shots in the bag…….job done!
Not so……..Dawn was only too happy for me to have a photograph taken with her viewing my exhibition.
A wonderful end to a great couple of days !!
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